St. john's wort to improve the potency of men

To maintain health indicators, not only in time using drugs. Recipes of traditional medicine suggest that st. john's wort for the force necessary therapeutic and preventive means. This plant is known as an assistant in many areas of medicine – ranging from diseases of the DIGESTIVE tract, respiratory diseases, ending with the specific problems of men's health. St. john's wort is also used for the treatment of a number of other diseases, as it has good anti-inflammatory properties, is actively used for the treatment of cystitis, or different stages of gastritis. The plant is also used as a natural sedative, what a positive way is reflected in the indicators of activity.

St. john's wort potency for men

The use of the st. john's wort for the power

In accordance with the specific st. john's wort effect on the activity positively, as it has a number of properties, faced a lot of problems in the body. It is known that disturbances in the functioning of the systems or organs reduces the strength and durability required for the stable operation, including to maintain good measurements of potency. Given that st. john's wort – the herbal element, then the negative effect on the body does not occur in 90% of cases. The exception is the presence in humans is an allergic reaction to this plant.

Necessary st. john's wort for the power of men, because, penetrates the body, moves on to the normalization of the genitourinary system, which leads to a natural strengthening of the erection. For exposure to medical or prophylactic purposes is used fresh or dried herb st. john's wort, to the effect that in any case it will be effective. Popularity of the instruments is related to the fact that it contains substances soft effects and contraindications for use there are almost no, so in 99% it is missing the risk of side effects. Also, st. john's wort for the construction of a useful even because it neutralizes effectively the consequences of prostatitis. Libido increases within a few days after the start of the use of medicines on the basis of the st. john's wort.

Synthesis and properties of hypericum

A positive effect of john for the potency of men, which is caused by the composition and a wide range of effects. Basic properties of the plants:

  • a tonic?
  • soothing it?
  • antibacterial.

In 90% of cases st. john's wort to boost potency in men is used as a tincture or decoction. The plant is well corrects various inflammatory and infectious processes, resulting in the urinary tract system and other organs. Struggling with events sexual weakness and impotence. Also, it was found that st. john's wort affects the potency of men a positive way, since it has a vasodilator action. All useful for solving the specific problem defined properties are included in the composition of substances, among which the main ones are:

Quercetin – the main ingredient, that work against diseases of the prostate. It is capable of the rapid relief of inflammatory processes, due to the tissues, treatment have appeared edema. Also component leads to normal indicators of processes of microcirculation of blood and reduces the likelihood of developing malignant tumors.

Flavonoids – the components of the substance, also affect the circulation of blood, normalizes all biochemical processes. In addition, they have a vasodilator, wound healing and anti-inflammatory action, enhances the body strength and improves resistance to infections and viruses.

Procyanidin – point has a strong vasodilator action, therefore, st. john's wort interferes with the activity positively. Also the presence of the substance in the composition of the plant helps in achieving speed up the healing process of tissues. Given that the substance has the capacity to increase the sensitivity and affect the excitability of nerve endings, changes for the better are visible after a few days of using herbs.

Hypericin – this substance is a dye, which has a number of beneficial properties for the body — helps in depression and has an antimicrobial effect. Also properties provided component anti – viral and anti-microbial effect. All of these properties allow St. John's wort to strengthen the natural forces of the body to struggle with a variety, including drug-resistant types of infections.

Positive works st. john's wort impotence or other erection difficulties, since in the composition of the plant in addition contain:

  • vitamins and minerals, including PP, E, P.
  • tannins.
  • the essential oils.
  • quercetin (relieves swelling and inflammation, has a strong antioxidant effect).
  • organic acids – nicotinic.
  • choline.
  • carotenoids.

Also st. john's wort contains zinc – an important component substance with the disease of the urinary tract, should be affected positively with the potency and magnesium, which maintains normal levels, the function of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, the plant is a source of important for the blood, blood vessels and muscles of the ingredients — calcium, potassium, iron and manganese.

The use of the st. john's wort for the power

Use, harm, and contraindications st. john's wort for men

The plant st. john's wort and potency in men are the subject of dispute or doubt. What affect st. john's wort for male power ok, signal producing rich chemical composition of the plant, which determines a wide range of actions. Grass, both on land and in the fresh state has a healing effect, improves the general condition of the organism, enhances the. Use is expressed in the fight with disease of the heart, blood vessels, the nervous, the respiratory system and the DIGESTIVE system, to improve the functioning of the organs of hematopoiesis – thanks in kursovom application is achieved stable positive dynamics.

For those who are facing problem of interest, affects the herb st. john's wort for the male power of a negative, if there is damage from the introduction of the. Learn how it works st. john's wort for male power in this particular case, it will help the circulation in an expert, as each case is different. It is important to take into account a few points, to avoid damage from its use for therapeutic purposes for this plant:

  • in some cases, it may be premature completion of the sexual act.
  • occurs intense anxiety (long term use).
  • occurs an active growth of the hair.
  • increases the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands, perhaps the formation of acne.

Such events are possible in the wrong or wide acceptance of herbal remedies, therefore, should advance to learn how to drink st. john's wort for power, to avoid the negative events.

Important! The infusion of st. john's wort for the power can be restricted, if there are no contraindications for the use of the plant.

These include:

  • ulcers disease stomach.
  • the duodenal ulcer.
  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • individual intolerance of plants or of one of its components.

So it is recommended before the use of instruments based on herbs consult your doctor.

The effect of john for the potency and the erection of men

If the man addressed to the doctor, after investigation, to explain how it affects st. john's wort for male power, taking into account the particular characteristics of the organism. Overall, the plant has a beneficial effect, acting as a natural aphrodisiac. It gently removes sexual tension, increases libido, sensitivity, and stimulates the event of a malfunction.

It is believed that st. john's wort reduces the potency of – this can happen, but only in the event of a breach of the rules of shooting. Problems can arise when the dosage is significantly exceeded, or, of course, the acceptance is very large.

Recipes from st. john's wort to improve erection

St. john's wort for power men – recipesthat will help you achieve positive changes.

Extract st. john's wort in the water. For the preparation you will need:

  1. Dried herb – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Water (boiling water) – 250 ml.

How do I prepare st. john's wort for the power: in a deep capacity to mix the ingredients, cool. How to get st. john's wort for power: after the infusion has reached room temperature, you'll need drinks, such as tea or any other beverage. The course is 2 weeks, reps during the day 2-3.

Tincture of hypericum for the power with alcohol presupposes that will be used:

  1. Crushed herb – 100 g.
  2. Vodka (or diluted alcohol) – 0,5 l.

For the preparation you will need a deep capacity to mix the ingredients and give them to stand for 7-10 days. After this st. john's wort for men to effect on potency apply 35 drops for 14 days. Can after the completion of the course to give your body to rest for 1 month and then repeat the course effects.

Recipes from st. john's wort to improve erection

Reviews of doctors and men: st. john's wort to increase potency

St. john's wort and the power has always been an interesting topic for discussion, both for the environment professionals and those who are faced with specific problems. There are various views, such as st. john's wort affects the potency, many people share their own experiences using or waiting for council of the doctors, who to ask, such as st. john's wort affects the potency of men.

The plant st. john's wort for the force feedback of professionals – doctors advise to apply it carefully. You should not use herbal teas, herbal tea or tea with this item without prior diagnosis because the underlying cause of the problem may be more serious than what he thinks the patient himself.

St. john's wort from the power of testimonials for men – 90% of those who tried it for therapeutic purposes by this natural ingredient, show positive changes in the body. Expressed are in support or normalization of sexual activity, which returned to the strength and general strengthening of the organism.

Therefore, st. john's wort, and the activity comments in relation which show a positive trend in most of the cases, closely – when you see the problem we have to pass the diagnosis, and then course download plants.